At GypsyLuv, we strive to bring you accurate and Therapeutic Spiritual Solutions. We understand that the future is absolutely malleable, and can be changed by your direct actions. Our Readers and Healers will assess your current energy, and give you the best suggested course of action for the topic at hand. It's up to you to do the work and follow through to see the desired results. Even if you were to hear a message that you don't understand or connect to, we ask that you take the message and advice to heart. As Spirit would not give us messages that does not apply to some part of your life or needed growth. Limited time slots and availability on all services, please call GypsyLuv to schedule your appointment, 909) 622-7800.

Intuitive Couples Counseling is about looking deeply and honestly at our lives, from a willingness to be fully present with ourselves. It is about listening to our own heart’s longing, learning to trust, breaking negative patterns, then acquiring life building skills so that we can move forward with our lives with mastery. Tools such as Tarot, Clairvoyance, and Spirit Guide Connection will be used during counsel. No issue is too big or impossible to find solutions, we can help!

​Magda has over 22 years experience working in Family Law, combined with her mediumship, these skills make her the ideal Spiritual Life Coach to help you see the results you need!​​ Magda is one of Southern California's top Psychic Readers & Spiritual Life Coach
es, see all her reviews on our Yelp Page!

It is vital to one’s health that the flow of energy in the energy field be free from interference or corruption from the stagnant, unhealthy and impure energies that can block its normal flow. The aura contains a series of layers - the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Each impacts upon the other and therefore need to be treated in conjunction with one another, clearing and cleansing the aura is extremely important.

*A mini Tarot Reading will be conducted prior to the cleansing to see if the actual Cleansing is needed, or for further insight into your situation. ​MUST BE BOOKED 24hrs IN ADVANCE.

Chakras are main energy points in our body that are directly connected to our emotional,  physical & spiritual health. When one or a combination of these Chakras are not functioning in harmony, then you can see and feel negative symptoms develop through you metal state of mind, body, or even your faith. Keeping all Chakras Clear & Balanced is vital to optimum health, success, and overall wellbeing.

A Chakra Reading with Laura will be done prior to your Clearing & Balancing session, to ensure that all effected Chakras and personal issues are brought to awareness, cleared, and prevented for future Chakra Health and maintenance. MUST BE BOOKED 24hrs IN ADVANCE.  

Common Feelings connected to a Chakra Imbalance: Lethargic, Consistent Headaches, Stagnant, Unable To Follow Through, Disruption In You Health Patterns, Feeling Lost, Feeling Desperate, Feeling Suicidal, Loss Of Faith, Constant Anger Spells, Trauma Scars, Abandonment Feelings & Displacement.